In-Office Surgeries and Procedures

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At Women’s Health Connecticut, we are devoted to providing our patients with a full spectrum of gynecologic and obstetric services. You can receive quality and convenient care for minor surgeries and procedures right in our offices. Contact us to learn more and talk to your provider about your options.


This procedure allows your provider to examine your cervix to inspect it for abnormalities that may be signs of cervical cancer or other problems. A device called a colposcope is used to provide a clear view of the cervix. If your provider notices anything abnormal during the exam, they may perform a biopsy to remove tissue so that it can be tested in a lab.


If the cervix is giving rise to a chronic discharge due to local infection, or if there is persistent infection with the HPV virus, your provider may use a very cold probe to freeze the cervix, destroying the affected cells and letting new cells grow in their place. The cervix does not have nerves to feel hot or cold, so this brief 3-5 minute procedure only causes some temporary cramping.

Endometrial Ablation

During a normal menstrual period, the lining of the uterus sheds, accompanied by some bleeding. If the bleeding is heavy or continuous and does not respond to medication or minor surgery, endometrial ablation can be done. Heat, cold, or electrical energy can be used to destroy the uterine lining. The resulting periods will be either absent or much lighter. Because pregnancy is not possible after ablation, we recommend that you talk with your provider to determine if you are a good candidate for this procedure.

Endometrial Biopsy

The endometrium is the lining of the uterus which sheds each month during a period and supports the growth of a pregnancy. An endometrial biopsy, which involves the insertion of a tiny, narrow tube through the cervix in order to gather cells from the lining, can check for precancerous or cancerous cells at a stage where they can be easily treated.

Intra-uterine Device (IUD) and Nexplanon Placement

If a long-term birth control method like an IUD or implant is the right choice for you, your provider can perform a simple procedure during an office visit. Learn more about getting an IUD.

LEEP Procedure

LEEP (Loop Electrocautery Excision Procedure) is a way to remove local cancerous or precancerous tissue from the cervix. The area then grows new healthy tissue to return the cervix to normal, and the tissue that is removed can be examined to make sure that the abnormal cells are all gone and that no cancerous cells have invaded the body.

Office Hysteroscopy

Unlike colposcopy which examines the cervix, hysteroscopy examines the inside of the uterus by inserting a tiny camera up though the cervical opening into the uterine cavity. This procedure is often done to investigate and determine the cause of abnormal bleeding. Depending on the circumstance, you may be offered a local or general anesthetic.

Skin Tag and Minor Lesion Removal

Small skin tags or moles can be removed in the office under local anesthesia.  Often dermatologists prefer to have a gynecologist remove these when they occur outside the vagina on the vulva.


A sonohysterogram is used to examine the uterus and provides a clearer picture than an ultrasound alone. In a sonohysterogram, a tiny tube is placed through the cervix, and fluid is inserted to push the uterine walls apart and to outline any growths within the uterine cavity. A vaginal ultrasound then takes pictures and videos. Your provider will use the ultrasound to see how deep any growth extends to or through the uterine wall.


Ultrasound uses sound waves to create a moving video of the inside of your body without using x-rays, but rather by bouncing sound waves off of internal structures. Because no radiation is used, ultrasound can be used to visualize the baby within the uterus and also to see the ovaries and other pelvic organs. Because ultrasound does not penetrate bones, sometimes inserting an ultrasound wand into the vagina avoids the pelvic bones and allows closer examination of the organs.

Vulvar Cyst Drainage

Cysts on the outside of the vagina, which include Bartholin gland cysts, can form if the glands on either side of the vaginal opening become blocked. These cysts can be painful if they get infected. Your ObGyn provider can drain such cysts with a sterile instrument during a visit to the office.